Howler Monkey Central

The weblog of Skip. A collection of thoughts, observations, and recipes for pie. You like pie, don't you? Everybody likes pie. If you don't like pie, this conversation is over.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I hate this town. (Take 2)

Is it possible to have a great and horrible night at the same time? If so, chalk another one up to it. I seem to have a knack for being attracted to emotionally unavailable women. And I wouldn't be so perturbed about it except the object of her affection is my dopelganger. Granted, he's a skinnier version of myself, but a dopelganger nonetheless. But hey. Such is life. It's kind of encouraging to know I would have a chance if I wasn't a fat. That's right, A FAT. G and Ti know what I mean. But overall, I would say it was one of the best non-date dates I've had in a while.

And to the driver of the red pickup that ran a red light and marred my good friend the Jeep, I say FUCK YOU.

Bunch of fucking savages in this town.

Skip, out.


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