Howler Monkey Central

The weblog of Skip. A collection of thoughts, observations, and recipes for pie. You like pie, don't you? Everybody likes pie. If you don't like pie, this conversation is over.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


It's official folks. So long Chesterfield, I am now a resident of the Maple-hood. It's sad how much crap I have. At the rate I'm going, I should be unpacked by the time my lease is up.

In the world of all things Bastard:
Our second full-length show is being slated for the end of June. More info on that as it is available. And also....own your very own copy of the first full-length show of the Bastards Karamazov, "Duck, Duck, Fork-In-Back!", now available on DVD. Email me at to place your order!

OK, that's all I have for now. So maybe I didn't meet my goal of updating this blog in less than a month. So what? Gig'em.