Howler Monkey Central

The weblog of Skip. A collection of thoughts, observations, and recipes for pie. You like pie, don't you? Everybody likes pie. If you don't like pie, this conversation is over.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Golf, Golf, Golf is a game. Golf is a game that you play, and today....

I managed to shoot par for the course. Granted, I had only completed half the course, but I feel the day was mine.

That's about it. Sno Cones rule.


Friday, July 14, 2006

Geek Talk.

On my batch of errands I ran today, my journeys took me in to get a haircut. Now, I can't tell you where I go, but it rhymes with "Freight Clips". Now, I happened to be sporting one of my favorite shirts, The Flash. This led one of the stylists to start making jabs at me, as I am more pear-shaped than muscular, and I don't look like I could move faster than 10 mph, tops. But once the insults were complete, this woman talked non-stop about superheros and comic books until I left the shop. So it just goes to show you, the geeks are out there, but they have good hiding places.

Skip, out.
