Howler Monkey Central

The weblog of Skip. A collection of thoughts, observations, and recipes for pie. You like pie, don't you? Everybody likes pie. If you don't like pie, this conversation is over.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Someone else to tell me how I'm doing...

That's right, it's that time of year...Employee reviews!

Nothing like a nice anxiety attack to shake up the post-holiday doldrums.
And honestly, it's like being a kid at Christmas. You and the head honcho are there, you sit on their lap, and they ask you if you've been naughty or nice. Well, actually, there was no lap-sitting. I imagine that would violate numerous sexual harassment statutes.

But anyway, the panic is over. No more "self-evaluations", "setting goals", or "synergizing" for another year. So I made it through, relatively free and clear.

And to top it all off, a woman bagged my groceries today, and I swear to God she sounded just like Bryant Gumpbell.

Oh, natterjack.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Eugene has returned!

After almost two weeks of waiting, my good friend the Jeep is finally back to its old self. Unfortunately, fixing up a good friend does not come cheap. But it felt good to go for a drive in my own car. In fact, I don't care what you drive. The best way to appreciate your car more is to drive someone else's car for an extended period of time.

But that's enough about my 4-wheeled friend.

In other news, I will be saying good-bye to the Dyce sooner than anticipated, and I couldn't be more excited. More news as it develops. In the meantime, I am headed to the NYC to see the girl of my dreams.

Congratulations to the Chocolate Goddess of Love, for yet another stellar performance on Law & Order: SVU. I'm proud of you Ti.

OK, that'll do for now.

Woot. I mean, Whoop.

Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm going to be kind of a big deal in '06...

...Well, not really. I just put the woman of my world on a plane not more than half an hour ago.

I can't tell you how I can feel so empty, and so great at the same time.

I miss you already, Hurricane Girl.